Common Ski Season Problems, and Solutions


The problem? Windburn

Windburn should be at the top of your list of concerns during an action-packed ski trip, yet it still slips many snow-lovers’ minds. Wind burn happens after being in the wind all day — who knew! And that wind isn’t a mild and sunny 75 degrees. It’s likely below freezing at times, puting your skin in some harsh conditions it isn’t used to.


The problem? Sunburn

When you’re in the mountains, skiing, having fun, you probably aren’t thinking about much sun you’re getting. It’s bright up there! And the rays bounce off the white snow. The only thing worse than excruciating windburn, is windburn and sunburn.


The problem? Dry, dry skin

Spending prolonged amounts of time in areas with high altitude can take a toll on your skin. There is no moisture in the air. Like none. Your skin really struggles to retain and replenish moisture when you’re zipping up and down the mountain or chilling on a ski lift. But you can prevent overly dry skin by protecting it. (And loading up on your favorite moisturizer at the end of the day.)


The problem? Dullness and low energy

Let’s revisit high altitudes and lack of moisture in the air. It causes your skin to be dry because you’re getting dehydrated. Dehydration is serious and dangerous and it is no joke — you need more water when you’re up in those ski resorts.